I don't read nearly as much as I used to (between kiddo, mturk, and my various other endeavors - crochet, coloring.. trying to keep our apartment not a dumpster), but it used to be a LOT. My favorites would have to be:
Peter Pan (like.. I have so many copies of this book)
The Hobbit (^^) & LoTR (seriously, same^^)
I enjoyed the Sookie Stackhouse series but.. the ending was so anti-climactic, I just.. I don't even know.
Harry Potter
Most anything Stephen King & Christopher Moore (I have the version of Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal that looks like a bible. THAT's probably also one of my favorites. So good.)
Back in the day, I devoured the Fear Street series, all the LJ Smith books (Vampire Diaries, etc), Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series.. I could go on. I have been reading books for as long as I can remember. Essentially, it was how I was potty-trained.

I'm hoping to instill the same love of reading in Amelia once she'll sit still for more than five minutes. I've tried reading more than picture books to her, but she hasn't been interested yet.
I haven't finished the ASOIAF still, but I do have the first two books (I think husband has the entire set, though).. I'd need to reread the first anyway since it's been so long. I don't really have much of anything that I'm reading right now.. Well, I have something in progress on my Nook, but I haven't touched it in a while so, it doesn't count.
Speaking of, if you have an ereader and aren't already signed up, check out BookBub! You choose your preferred genres and stores from their list and, every day, they'll send you a list of books in said genres that are either free or $0.99/$1.99 on sale. It's amazing and I've acquired SO many books that I wouldn't have otherwise heard of this way.