After living in Mexico for six months, I realized many things. Many Mexicans work for tips. The baggers in the grocery stores work for tips. The ones that pump the gas work for tips. The ones in the airport that push wheelchairs work for tips. None of them get paid by the company they work for, just from the people who they wait on. The minimum wage is $172 pesos, or just under $10 per day. This is why things in Mexico cost so much less than the US and why Canadians and Americans are moving there. Plus it is a much simpler life.
However to get temporary residency there one has to make $2600 a month. In either pension, social security or wages or both or all three together. I fall just short of that, but I'm going to try anyway. They need six months of bank statements at the Mexican consulate when you have your appt.
I found Mexico to be a much simpler way of life. No one is ever in a hurry. They have what is called Mexican time. When someone says they will be there is a few minutes, two hours later they might show up. LOL.
I loved it there so much and I'm very homesick and can't wait to go back. The only thing I don't like is that before it was guaranteed if you wanted 180 days you would get 180 days. Then you could cross the border and a couple days later come back again and get another 180 days. No, they don't do that anymore. It's no longer guaranteed to get 180 days. You might get and you might not. It all depends on the agent you get at customs. Which really sucks, especially if you are all planned on coming for 180 and they only give you 90.
Anyway, a bit of tidbit about Mexico and what I've learned, for you reading enjoyment.
Thank you and happy Sunday.
Only thing is I can't turk in Mexico. I tried with a VPN, and they didn't like it and said if I continue my account will be eliminated. Or something to that effect.