I don't have the time for any games like I would like to, but when I do I play the following:
Everquest (
Clash of Clans (not has hardcore as I used to be, but still dabble)
Order and Chaos 2 (meh, every now and then)
My youngest son has a PS4
My oldest son has a XBone
We'll play sports game here and there (Madden, NBA2K, FIFFA, etc.)
I don't have nearly as much time as I used to either, but I have a semi-decent (though, small compared to some, I'm sure) Steam library. We also have a PS3, but it's just a Netflix machine currently. Only game I have for it right now is Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD. And that's still shrink wrapped because I haven't had time.
For PC, I'm a big Blizzard fan. I've played a lot of WoW (though never hardcore. I can't manage the stress of raids and end-game content, so I'm usually just behind), though my sub is inactive til they announce a date for the new expac. I've played A LOT of Diablo 3, especially since RoS dropped, but I've been kinda burnt out on it lately. So, I turned to my Steam library with its many unplayed games. I just finished Telltale Game's Puzzle Agent last night (pretty short, but fun) and will probably start the second one tonight. I've been playing a lot of Cook, Serve, Delicious! lately, too. I'm big into RPGs (though, WoW has been my only long-time MMO, despite trying out FFXIV & Wildstar), point-and-click adventure games (super excited to start the new King's Quest eventually), strategy (I get really into Civ5/Beyond Earth every so often and just go ham for a really long time then take a long break), and some casual stuff (I have the PopCap collection...

like the entire thing).
On my phone, I have Puzzle & Dragons, Griddlers (Picross!!), DragonVale, Alphabear, and Triple Town. I rarely play Triple Town anymore, so it'll probably get uninstalled soon. Alphabear, I play maybe once a weekish, but the others I currently play a bit daily. Kiddo is still in the "Hold me while I sleep" stage, sometimes, so.. I need to keep myself occupied or I risk falling asleep in a v. uncomfortable position on the couch. ;_;
I used to have a 3DS, but we sold it for some money for bills a while back, so I'm hoping to replace it with an n3DSXL eventually. I'm big into Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem there.