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That'll be nice when they do haha. Yes, I am. I watch a lot of anime. Two of my top favorites are Code Geass and Neon Genesis Evangelion, Detective Conan... but I watch a variety of things. Pretty much the only genre I don't watch is horror. Here is a link to my old anime list: (hasn't been updated in a while). What kind of stuff do you watch aside from SAO? :)
Wow you've got quite the collection there. I started with DBZ when I was young, then got into Fullmetal Alchemist and FMA Brotherhood a couple of years ago. Then after watching Attack On Titan I got into SAO. I've wanted to start watching a bunch of new ones, especially Neon Genesis, but to be honest, i'm worried none of them will compare to SAO and I'll be let down. Kirito is just too damn perfect of a character.
Haha I did too. DBZ was one of my firsts and from there I watched a lot of Adult Swim (back in the day it was mostly anime.) FMA is really good and I liked FMAB. Definitely give Neon Genesis a try; it's more of a psychological anime in ways so it might be quite different than what you're used to...but the story is superb.
SAO was a pretty good anime imo too. There are animes I rank above it and I am sure more top of the line anime will come out, but not gonna lie... I binged SAO in two days lol.
Ahh yeah I miss shows like Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim. I'll definitely check Neon Genesis. I need something to pad the time until SAO season 3. Honestly, I might just restart SAO again and binge watch it. I think 30 replays should be enough to get me over it until they bring it back?
Have you seen Attack On Titan? Very overly dramatic show, but the story is pretty badass. A lot of death and violence though. Like Game of Thrones for anime.
Oh yes. I find myself wanting to rewatch Cowboy Bebop and Trigun lately. Haha I am sure that much binging would do the trick. So long as they release S3 soon and don't wait a million years. I actually steer away from really bloody/horror type anime because it doesn't settle well with me lol. I can manage certain levels of blood/gore/etc but AoT was a bit too much for me LOL. GoT as well sadly :(
Omg I forgot about Trigun. Loved that show. I was disappointed that they didn't go further with it though. Vash was like a little Goku with guns. Haha aww. Yeah those shows are pretty brutal. AoT has at least 3 dismemberments per episode. But Jaeger is such a cool titan I can't stop watching.
Jaeger actually reminds me of when Kirito went all demon form in Alfheim. Which he should have done in like every fight. -.-
I knowww. Vash was such a likable character, too. It's been so long since I've seen it that I barely can recall what the ending was like, but I know his issues with Knives or w/e was "resolved." Yeah I tried with AoT lol. The art and animation is quite amazing so I wished I could've gotten into it. Neon Genesis has some iffy parts too but the animation made it easier to handle lol.
Kirito was awesome in all of his fights. I found it amazing how he basically was in team of 1 after that sad incident in the dungeons. So he was super skilled and pretty badass from the start lol
Yeah, but I mean, with his world the way it was, there is always a need for Vash the Stampede to stop by a town and kick some outlaw ass. I'll have to check out Evangelion though. I've also been meaning to check out Death Note and Ghost In The Shell. I have a few friends that keep talking about them.
That's the thing about Kirito. He's just consistently awesome. Almost always level headed, never runs from a fight, always surprises me with how badass he can be. Plus he isn't a shy awkward weirdo around Asuna like Edward Elric was around Winrey. When Kirito was the first anime character to actually have the balls to kiss the girl, I knew he was the right character for me.
Haha right! xD Vash only ever had like one bullet and still kicked all their asses. Death Note was pretty good. I prefer Code Geass to it but that's personal preference. Ghost in The Shell has some really good movies. I haven't watched all of it but that anime has some of the best music (although the singer died recently.)
I have heard some people recommend Log Horizon for people who enjoyed SAO. Haven't seen it yet tho. But yes, I completely agree. It gets kind of boring to have the same type of male characters. The shy ones around women who don't just take charge so to speak lol. He was able to get Asuna because he was straightforward and so badass.
God you've watched them all. I feel like I can't call myself an anime fan around you. :p I need to up my catalog a bit. Did you see the trailer for the new SAO movie? Going the augmented reality route. Not sure if I'm sold on the concept or not, but it's got more Kirito/Asuna so I'm down regardless.
Ahaha nah, don't feel that way xP I've been into anime since I was really young and it kind of filled the gap normal TV left for me. I did! I'm excited regardless haha. Movies tend to have such higher quality than the anime episodes. I'm sure the fighting will be really well done and I'm excited that Asuna and Kirito will be getting more time as well.
I was always into anime when I was younger, but I didn't really know what was out there. It was mostly japanese type video games for me. I actually played the Fullmetal video game for the ps2 before I even knew what the show was. I've never actually seen an anime movie besides a really old Pokemon. I'm really curious how this one is going to be. I hope they don't break continuity with the show.
Yeah, that's true. The only reason I really got into anime at all was because Adult Swim had it on when I was young. But when I got into middle school/high school I found platforms online to watch and just took off from there lol.
It's funny you mention that FMA game; my mom bought it for me a long time ago and I never finished it lol. Same here. I'm interested in how the story will go for the movie. Maybe it will be a hit and they'll keep making them.