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Probably not xD I wish they would've let Asuna into the gun g arc. I really enjoyed the season but Asuna hardly was shown at all lol.
They got all weird with it. Had half a season only Kirito, then 7 episodes only Asuna. Hopefully season 3 will bring em both... in like 2050 when it airs -.-
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Yeah I agree. It was really odd minimal her screen time was considering how important she was in the previous seasons. I like Sinon for who she is but Kirito belongs with Asuna and we need to see more of them being a couple IRL (anime wise) lol.
Right? Sounds weird coming from a guy, but like half of the reason I watch the show is for those two's relationship. The other half is to watch Kirito be a badass. Hopefully next season they don't put him in capris again... -.-
Haha it isn't weird. Their relationship was pretty significant because they were trapped in the game for long enough to like...get engaged I think? It's been a while since I watched the first season. I was excited seeing them "IRL" because I wanted to see their relationship in the outside world... So they better have more of that next season xD
Yeah they even got a house together and everything. Had a "daughter" technically. They were living the dream life. Then they got out and I think, texted once or twice. And they were too shy to even kiss in public... Like c'mon guys... You've killed people... What could possibly bother you anymore.
Right! And their daughter is still around, I thought. Since Asuna was going to that world/game instead of where Kirito went for Gun Gale. Maybe even though they moved so fast in game, the expectations are different for IRL? Idk. I want to see more of their relationship because Gun Gale made it seem like they were kind of just friends after being together for years in game lol.
Glad someone gets it! He better at least propose or something. Honestly, can't wait for that kind of VR to exist. I'll just do it all myself if Kirito doesn't. :p
Yes! I mean the parents seem absent from everything anyways so I don't see why they couldn't at least get engaged IRL. That would be awesome! I've been skeptical about VR but if they made something like what Kirito and them played it'd be really fun.
I think they will, eventually. You into anything else besides SAO?