Welcome Castaways to Season 5 of Survivor!
We are running games for 12 weeks, with each week bringing a new challenge to the table.
Important Note: You are not committing to all 12 weeks by signing up for this first week, so you are not locked in unless you want to be.
On Friday mornings, we will open a sign-up thread. You have until Sunday 3PM EST to sign up to play for the week. You will not know what this challenge is until after you sign up. We will give you a hint, but not knowing is half the fun! On Monday morning, we will announce your tribes and the challenge.
We are trying our absolute hardest to ensure that the time commitment isn’t too crazy. We don’t want the challenges to overwhelm your turking time. Challenges normally will run from Monday until the day change on Thursday mornings. This will allow for most of Thursday to be kept open for voting, if necessary.
For each challenge, there will be a winning tribe. Each castaway on the winning tribe will receive TWO POINTS. The castaways the are not part of the winning tribe, but participated, will receive ONE POINT.
The castaway with the most points at the end of the 12 weeks will be awarded the SOLE SURVIVOR banner. Previous winners that sport this banner are

Did somebody say prizes?
In addition to the beautiful banner, the overall winner will also be awarded a grand prize of $100. There is also a cash prize for the runner-up of $50. Sorry runner-up, you only get money, no banner.
Everyone else has a chance for a prize! Those who do not place 1st or 2nd, but accrued points, have a chance to cash them for Amazon gift cards. As long as you have earned 5 points, you will receive a $5 gift card. We will add an additional $1 to the gift card for every point earned over 5. For example, if you end the 12 weeks with 8 points, we will pm you with a gift code for $8 to be used on Amazon.com.
Where do I sign up?
Sign up in this thread to play in the first week’s challenge on March 11th. Everybody is welcome to play! This a fantastic opportunity to bond and meet new friends from the forum!
After the first week, we will open a separate thread exclusively for sign-ups for challenges 2-12.
What games are we playing?
Although Season 5 will not follow all of these challenges, here are some examples of previous seasons. Click on the season to see the games played:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
In Closing…..
Everyone can sign up, both new and returning players. We hope to see lots of people playing on March 11th. The first challenge will be a Team Task, which means you’ll work together with your tribe to complete your mission.
This is our first time hosting the games. Please bear with us as we navigate through this with you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! We want to make sure everyone understands and is comfortable playing. The main goal is to have fun!!
Just reply to this thread with any questions or to sign up for March 11th.
May the odds be ever in your favor!