Invitation to collaborate on a film


New Member
Oct 3, 2019
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Dear Turkers,

My name is Irene Loebell; I’m a Swiss filmmaker working on a cinema documentary on platform work in different parts of the world, including the USA. My film shall provide a close insight into remote platform work rigorously from the workers' perspective.

Therefore I’m looking for experienced Turkers who want to collaborate on this film.

This call addresses people living in the USA who live from their work on MTurk and/or other remote online platforms or who earn et least a vital portion of their income in this way.

By collaboration, I mean:

In the first phase, I want to talk to you about your work. Over phone or Skype, with or without video depending on your preference. My purpose of these conversations is to get an extensive insight into turking, one that goes beyond what media commonly report. The information Turkers share with me in this first phase of my research will be used to help me better understand what it means to be a Turker. In my documentary, I will not use any of this specific information, nor names, or other personal details from these conversations if you request so.

This conversation will last from half an hour to an hour or longer, depending on how much you want to share. For your collaboration, I will compensate you with $20 per hour. (5$ per quarter of an hour or part thereof.) Payments will be made through PayPal or alike.

There will be two more phases - including the possibility of participating in the film - that can be discussed more at length. (Only the first phase will be compensated as mentioned above.)

It is part of my ethical standards that I will not do anything that could compromise or endanger your work situation and will respect everything you demand in this regard.

I look forward to this collaboration; please contact me via e-mail at We can then schedule a convenient time for our conversation, and I will gladly provide you with more detailed information.

Would you like to know more about my project first? Feel free to contact me without further obligation, and I will gladly answer your questions.

Thank you for your attention!
Irene Loebell
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