It isn't great, that's for sure, but I earn more like tens of pennies a day!

My routine is pretty much as follows: while having my morning

, I watch a few of the videos. Some pay 2-3c (generally you get a couple of these a day), and there are others that pay 1c for 3 videos. It is a one click, "fire and forget" type of deal, so it literally takes you a second to initiate.
You also can use the search feature and get about 1c per search (you have to complete 4/4) and if you do 4 a week you get I 5c bonus I believe. You can do this very fast and each one counts guaranteed, unlike swagbucks. I think you can do this 3x a day for 10-12c total, but I generally just fire off 4 and call it good.
The surveys are generally bad to terrible, but some of the offers can be decent. I signed up for a free Rhapsody trial and got $2 + the 30 days of music. You just have to be sure to cancel so you don't get billed. Many of the offers will only pay out if you subscribe, make a purchase, etc, so read carefully. If you are already going to sign up for something, like or whatever, then it is extra bonus.
Overall, nothing exciting, but I think I've accumulated $13 after about a month and a half for not a lot of effort. If anyone wants to check it out, and found part of my post useful, my referral link is below.