Hi and welcome!
A lot of us on this forum have anxiety and depression. Thanks for sharing.
Welcome to the forum!
Do you have all of the user scripts and things installed to help you catch hits?
If not I can provide some links.
Recognition hits aren’t the greatest. I wouldn’t worry too much. If you have low numbers there are other requesters hits that are probably better choices.
I don’t know how long you have been turking and how familiar you are with things.
You have the potential to really make a lot of money. Start with a 20$ a day goal and keep increasing it every week...
I haven't really delved too deep into things, so far. I didn't think I'd end up doing anything with it, initially.
I actually applied to join MTurk... well, quite a while back (as in some time last year) and they said I was rejected for unknown/unspecified reasons, so I stopped looking into it and gave up on it. Then, sometime, I think either in January or February, I got an email welcoming me and thanking me for applying and everything, and telling me to get started... which was confusing, but interesting. Just kinda... took me until late October to do anything about it (Death in the family, moving house, lots of problems, blahblahblah personal life, I talk too much).
I haven't hit my 10 day mark yet (2 more days, I think), and have 116 approved HITs (82 Pending, 2 Rejected), though I would have more done if I wasn't only doing them casually and usually when I'm sleepless and up too late to be doing anything else.
I set myself the goal of doing about $5 worth of HITs while watching some shows, and seeing if they actually ended up paying out, on Day 1. 39 submitted, 37 approved, 1 STILL pending, and 1 rejected. $4.48.
After a couple days of getting a couple dollars while doing other things, and generally not trying very hard, I did the load of Rekognition ones (
regret...) and some others that ended up paying out yet another ~$2 (
65 pending Rekognition HITs...), and I was kinda feeling a TINY bit hopeless and doubtful, but while trying to figure out somehow if the Rekognition HITs were crap or not, I ended up here, and read some things, and learned some things, and lurked for a couple days, and yeah, I am still moderately hopeless, but I feel like I'm at least getting a better idea of things.
Still a lot to learn.
Still a lot of scripts and such to read up on and figure out.
Still need to make more than $20
a week... $20 a day seems far off, for now, heh.
Anyways... Thanks for the welcome. I've navigated the starting out threads and such a bit and have Turkopticon installed, so that's nice to have, but I don't know quite enough about any of the other stuff (or about how much I can get done) just yet, or what I REALLY need and what will just be an annoyance or "too much" for me.
Guess I'll figure it out soon enough.
Overall, glad I found this forum. Glad to be here.
Thanks again..
I'll shut up now.
I uh-... I'll try to keep the walls of text to a minimum, if I can help it.
Again, I talk too much.