HIT Poster Award Nominees - March 2018

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Reaction score
Las Vegas
HIT Poster Award Nominees

Here at Mturk Crowd we greatly appreciate all of the great HITs that our members contribute to the daily work threads, to help keep us focused and productive. The HIT Poster Award is our way of expressing this appreciation.

Winners of the HIT Poster Award will receive:
  • $40 via PayPal
  • Special HIT Poster banner
  • All donation member perks

This is not a nomination or voting thread. This thread serves as a way to announce the five nominees for this month's vote and the day that the vote will occur in the daily work thread.

Our nominees for this month are:

Roscoe E Goldchain

Voting will occur in the daily work thread on:

Thursday March 8, 2018

Rules and Eligibility
  • At the beginning of each month we'll see who the top 5 HIT posters were for the previous month (chosen by number of HITs posted, not highest reward.) The community will then vote to determine which of those 5 people will win the award for that month.
  • There is no special voting thread for this award. The poll will be added to a daily work thread and will remain open for that day only. The winner will be announced the following day.
  • Previous winners will become ineligible for one year. In the event that a previous winner still in their lockout ends up in the top 5 HIT posters for a month, the next person in the list will be chosen for inclusion in the vote.
  • Members may only win the HIT Poster Award two times, after which they will become ineligible for all following HIT Poster Awards.
  • Crowd Pleaser winners will be ineligible during the month immediately following their Crowd Pleaser win.
  • Administrators and moderators are not eligible for nomination. *
  • Campaigning for votes, whether for yourself or for someone else, is not allowed. Any forum post asking for votes will be removed and may lead to disqualification.
* The current list of MTC administrators and moderators can be found here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Reaction score
Las Vegas
HITs Posted:

5185 HITs posted | 4139 posted directly from MTS

1: Michele | 507
2: coffeeowl | 391
3: electrolyte | 346
4: Roscoe E Goldchain | 242
5: themildone | 242
6: InfiniteChanges | 216
7: Jerami | 199
8: Starslip | 190
9: aveline | 179
10: Vanyanka | 158
11: 262 | 152
12: A6_Foul_Out | 136
13: Jaded | 134
14: basketcasey | 116
15: Persephone78 | 115
16: Cara | 110
17: nopoopwarez | 105
18: <Gucci> | 98
19: rsclone | 94
20: JCGrey | 83
21: Daniel | 74
22: SweetiePuff | 65
23: Bliss | 61
24: DareAngel3 | 54
25: CrazyCatLady | 49
26: Stacy B | 49
27: bxpretzel | 44
28: Serial Mom | 42
29: C to the J | 41
30: LoveMuppet | 40
31: K'Lee | 39
32: Cmoney | 37
33: sofaslug | 36
34: TotalBabe | 32
35: Devil_Dawg | 30
36: Goose | 30
37: Nuramazing | 27
38: klingeemonster | 27
39: mboone73 | 22
40: PeachyRider | 20
41: El Pablo | 19
42: stuffalleysays | 18
43: IHadRibsForLunch | 17
44: JenniLeigh | 17
45: turkLion | 16
46: cassius | 16
47: rjd66 | 15
48: Turkoneup | 15
49: Achilles2357 | 15
50: theturkscribe | 13
51: Trucker | 13
52: CakesandPies | 13
53: Depen Sinai | 13
54: Kat8mouse | 12
55: Leon Powalski | 12
56: ElleWoods | 12
57: LittleDrummerBoy | 12
58: Sondi | 12
59: egryan1 | 12
60: Kliq | 11
61: thedorchannel | 11
62: SleepComa | 11
63: Krikket | 11
64: micky | 11
65: Dottie | 9
66: ItsAmyTee | 8
67: thismegan | 8
68: MindNumbing | 8
69: Kuddish | 8
70: scrmcasey | 8
71: MikeC44 | 8
72: 4ourfuture | 6
73: shoesue87 | 6
74: CloudNine | 6
75: Fester | 6
76: Evergreen Queen | 6
77: masterx1234 | 6
78: sudilly | 5
79: Jharkan | 5
80: DatJersey | 5
81: anglzgirl | 5
82: ecko | 5
83: FunBacon | 5
84: Sassy | 5
85: An Island in the Sun | 4
86: Bolbor | 4
87: Knight | 4
88: sryan66611 | 4
89: It's Gamera! | 4
90: Kallee | 4
91: Binxybaby | 3
92: Business Cat | 3
93: DruceusDrec | 3
94: GTR | 3
95: humbleturker | 3
96: ChristopherASA | 3
97: Srndpty | 3
98: Piro | 3
99: Empress328 | 2
100: kvnmrd | 2
101: Mish | 2
102: EverfreeTree | 2
103: ducky | 2
104: jayjay | 2
105: Member9 | 2
106: eagle eye | 2
107: Pippa | 2
108: tricker | 2
109: cb456 | 2
110: Squatty | 2
111: Kamalani | 1
112: Veltora Otew | 1
113: sunflowerladi | 1
114: MarkC | 1
115: BreeQuinn | 1
116: klyde | 1
117: GemGem | 1
118: blackpupjean | 1
119: Timuks | 1
120: savvylabell | 1
121: tigervet44 | 1
122: Willow | 1
123: stevenmturks | 1
124: LlamaRhama | 1
125: ccmet121 | 1
126: Turkster | 1
127: Upnorthlion | 1
128: ALinAL | 1
129: Liz | 1
130: Thlinks | 1
131: lobo925 | 1
132: Danielle | 1
133: Magikarp | 1
134: JHkerriokey | 1
135: sinon | 1
136: squee | 1
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