I've bought and sold on Etsy. I can't do professional photos, and I haven't tricked out my shop, and I know that I'm missing out on sales because of it. But, everything I'm selling is stuff that I made yonks ago, and the occasional sale is nice.
The key thing aside from presentation seems to be finding a niche and then making it customizable. It saves money on listings to list one item with multiple options rather than a separate listing for each option, and it help in developing a reputation.
The other seems to be digital sales- like embroidery or sewing patterns via PDF, since people can order stuff and Etsy sends it right to them. You can sell the same thing over and over.
Also, if someone asks you to make a custom order for them, charge a bunch more than the original item. I haven't had anyone say no yet, and it helps to make up for having to do extra work.