#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200 ;Avoid warning when mouse wheel turned very fast
;Autoexecute code
MinLinesPerNotch := 1
MaxLinesPerNotch := 5
AccelerationThreshold := 100
AccelerationType := "L" ;Change to "P" for parabolic acceleration
StutterThreshold := 10
;Function definitions
;See above for details
FocuslessScroll(MinLinesPerNotch, MaxLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType, StutterThreshold)
SetBatchLines, -1 ;Run as fast as possible
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ;All coords relative to screen
;Stutter filter: Prevent stutter caused by cheap mice by ignoring successive WheelUp/WheelDown events that occur to close together.
If(A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < StutterThreshold) ;Quickest succession time in ms
If(A_PriorHotkey = "WheelUp" Or A_PriorHotkey ="WheelDown")
MouseGetPos, m_x, m_y,, ControlClass2, 2
ControlClass1 := DllCall( "WindowFromPoint", "int64", (m_y << 32) | (m_x & 0xFFFFFFFF), "Ptr") ;32-bit and 64-bit support
lParam := (m_y << 16) | (m_x & 0x0000FFFF)
wParam := (120 << 16) ;Wheel delta is 120, as defined by MicroSoft
;Detect WheelDown event
If(A_ThisHotkey = "WheelDown" Or A_ThisHotkey = "^WheelDown" Or A_ThisHotkey = "+WheelDown" Or A_ThisHotkey = "*WheelDown")
wParam := -wParam ;If scrolling down, invert scroll direction
;Detect modifer keys held down (only Shift and Control work)
wParam := wParam | 0x4
wParam := wParam | 0x8
;Adjust lines per notch according to scrolling speed
Lines := LinesPerNotch(MinLinesPerNotch, MaxLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType)
If(ControlClass1 != ControlClass2)
Loop %Lines%
SendMessage, 0x20A, wParam, lParam,, ahk_id %ControlClass1%
SendMessage, 0x20A, wParam, lParam,, ahk_id %ControlClass2%
Else ;Avoid using Loop when not needed (most normal controls). Greately improves momentum problem!
SendMessage, 0x20A, wParam * Lines, lParam,, ahk_id %ControlClass1%
;All parameters are the same as the parameters of FocuslessScroll()
;Return value: Returns the number of lines to be scrolled calculated from the current scroll speed.
LinesPerNotch(MinLinesPerNotch, MaxLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType)
T := A_TimeSincePriorHotkey
;Normal slow scrolling, separationg between scroll events is greater than AccelerationThreshold miliseconds.
If((T > AccelerationThreshold) Or (T = -1)) ;T = -1 if this is the first hotkey ever run
Lines := MinLinesPerNotch
;Fast scrolling, use acceleration
If(AccelerationType = "P")
;Parabolic scroll speed curve
;f(t) = At^2 + Bt + C
A := (MaxLinesPerNotch-MinLinesPerNotch)/(AccelerationThreshold**2)
B := -2 * (MaxLinesPerNotch - MinLinesPerNotch)/AccelerationThreshold
C := MaxLinesPerNotch
Lines := Round(A*(T**2) + B*T + C)
;Linear scroll speed curve
;f(t) = Bt + C
B := (MinLinesPerNotch-MaxLinesPerNotch)/AccelerationThreshold
C := MaxLinesPerNotch
Lines := Round(B*T + C)
Return Lines
;All hotkeys with the same parameters can use the same instance of FocuslessScroll(). No need to have separate calls unless each hotkey requires different parameters (e.g. you want to disable acceleration for Ctrl-WheelUp and Ctrl-WheelDown). If you want a single set of parameters for all scrollwheel actions, you can simply use *WheelUp:: and *WheelDown:: instead.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 6 ;Adjust to taste. The lower the value, the lesser the momentum problem on certain smooth-scrolling GUI controls (e.g. AHK helpfile main pane, WordPad...), but also the lesser the acceleration feel. The good news is that this setting does no affect most controls, only those that exhibit the momentum problem. Nice.
;Scroll with acceleration
WheelDown::FocuslessScroll(MinLinesPerNotch, MaxLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType, StutterThreshold)
;Ctrl-Scroll zoom with no acceleration (MaxLinesPerNotch = MinLinesPerNotch).
^WheelDown::FocuslessScroll(MinLinesPerNotch, MinLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType, StutterThreshold)
;If you want zoom acceleration, replace above line with this:
;FocuslessScroll(MinLinesPerNotch, MaxLinesPerNotch, AccelerationThreshold, AccelerationType, StutterThreshold)
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1 ;Restore AHK's default value i.e. 1