What would be your best tip for working at MTurk for newbies?
What was you highest daily earnings?
Why should newbies not give up?
Your big earnings days are going to come from doing a metric crap-ton on lower paying HITs that there are a bunch of. Something that you can get in a groove with. When you see large batches it doesn't hurt to do one and then try and figure out if you can shave seconds off of your completion time by repetition. Do the math. How many can you reasonably do in an hour and what's it add up to.
Pick you battles when you're fighting rejections. It's not always worth doing.
If you can get a qualification then get it. Even if you aren't interested in doing the HITs that it opens up for you now you may change your mind later.
Time that you're spending looking for better paying HITs instead of doing what's available to you is time you aren't getting payed for. You should balance your working time with your looking time accordingly.
When you do find a batch that has good money making potential you should tell me immedietely so I can get in on that action too. I'm a good guy. I deserve it.
If you don't know something then you should ask somebody. Try to find the answer for yourself first though.
Numbers do more than just open up more HITs that you qualify for. They give you some padding for your approval percentage that lets you go after batches of HITs that have no guarantee of being safe to do. It's a risk vs. reward thing and you should be aware of it.
Good luck.