Hi guys! Our survey is going very slow (around 20 people for 24 hours). We require master qualification, agreement rate >85% and U.S. citizens. We pay $1.88 for 15 minutes ($7.5/4) and plus bonus in the end of the survey. In our previous survey, with the same price and same requirements, we've got around 120 people for 1-2 days. We work with boto3.
During our test run, we've made a mistake in description and asked people to annotate 10 sentences when in fact there were 20 in the survey itself. The price was also for 10. When we approved their work, we wrote the message with apologies and promised to pay the rest $0.65 that we haven't paid together with the bonus.
Could anybody somehow block us? if yes, how can we check it? (either in the account or in the code). Any other ideas why the survey is going so slow?
During our test run, we've made a mistake in description and asked people to annotate 10 sentences when in fact there were 20 in the survey itself. The price was also for 10. When we approved their work, we wrote the message with apologies and promised to pay the rest $0.65 that we haven't paid together with the bonus.
Could anybody somehow block us? if yes, how can we check it? (either in the account or in the code). Any other ideas why the survey is going so slow?